Thursday, November 30, 2006

I know I haven't written in awhile - I couldn't remember how to log onto my blog! Oh brother! We just celebrated 2 Thanksgivings in our house - Canadian and American! When we celebrate American Thanksgiving the girls have always been allowed to stay home from school - We watch the Macy's parade, the national dog show and eat hot cheese balls, broccoli dip and crackers, shrimp and a few other goodies. All while the turkey is cooking! We watch a bit a football while we prepare our big Thanksgiving dinner! We always invite someone over to share our dinner with us. This year we invited Justin & Amanda and their 3 little girls who just moved back here from Florida. We've known Amanda for 15 years - when we first met she was a little girl and then babysitter, and now she is a mom. I was so excited to see deviled eggs make it to the table this year. I love deviled eggs and you don't see them on many tables here ever. It was a great day, dinner was yummy, company was excellent and we have so much to be thankful for.

As I went to bed that night I wrote down 25 things I was thankful for - I won't bore anybody with all 25 but a few to make the list (in no particular order) - I woke up to live another day * my family's good health and my good health * Christian parents (and their good health) * I am loved * A faithful and loving husband * Awesome children * A home * A job (that I love) * Grace * Safe place to live * Freedom * Fun & laughter and on and on! A great exercise.

Thank you Jesus for all my blessings - undeserved, awesome and given in love.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This morning I took Chris to the airport - He's off to Kansas City (I'm not sure if he's on the Kansas side or the Missouri side)! He is speaking at a Youth Encounter weekend - high schoolers I believe! It is such an awesome opportunity for him and I AM SO PROUD OF HIM!!!!! He speaks so well to the youth and they really enjoy his teaching - it's practical and so easy to understand. He has a real gift! I hope he has an amazing weekend and meets some really cool people! Can't wait to hear all about it!

BUT...............I MISS HIM!

I have to admit - I am a little leary of times he goes away - we don't have a very good record of uneventful-dads-away-for-a-few-days times! Let's see - the girls and I have had a broken pipe and water spewing everywhere, the police arrive at the door because someone called 911 (by mistake of course) and want to know where my husband was (sure he's out of town lady), keys locked in the van when downtown, the dog almost die and have to have major surgery, a daughter tell a stranger on the phone that her mother leaves her alone at home ......just to name a few incidents!!!! So, we'll see what this weekend brings and we are up for the challenge - so far - so good. After I dropped him off at the airport (and he almost left with my get-out-of-the-parking-lot ticket with him) I went to work at the Dr's office and Dr. David gave me my first flu shot! I can't remember the last time I have ever had a shot - maybe when the rabbit bit me in college. Then there was groceries - uneventful, a few errands - uneventful, and oh yes, I had to pump gas - I HATE PUMPING GAS!!!!! But, I did it - didn't think I could milk what gas was left in the tank until Tuesday morning! Lauryn had a band concert and they did really well! So - I just have to take the dog for a walk and make sure he does his business before bed and we should have made it through day 1 without incident! Thank you Lord! I'll keep you posted!


Can you believe another Halloween has come and gone??? We had a great day - lots of fun. It has rained for over a week and Tuesday it was really nice - no wind or no rain! When the girls came home from school we carved pumpkins - A cat, a scared face, a barfing pumpkin and a ghost. The girls did a great job on them. For supper we had Ghost sandwiches, monster fingers, monster toes, spooky veggies & dip and halloween punch we drank with cool pumpkin straws! We had lots of fun at supper, eating and discussing each others costumes. Hannah was going to be a lumberjack, Lauryn was Wilma Flinstone (in picture), Molly was a sleeping person and Ashleigh was undecided at supper. The 3 older girls went out with friends and I took Molly out with 3 of her friends. 2 of her friends - Patricia and Edna - are from Mexico. They don't have halloween in Mexico. Their mom, dad, and 2 cousins came with us. It was lots of fun and when they would speak to each other I would try to see if I could pick up any Spanish - being such a Spanish scholar in high school - HAHA!!!! Molly's other friend was a bit of challenge and Molly was never sure what was going to come out of her mouth when people came to the door. An older couple gave them boxes of raisins and Molly ran to me after she got them. She told me she didn't want to stick around because she was afraid of what her friend might say to the couple. I don't think she said anything but Molly was a little gunshy by the end of the night. When it was time to go home her friend didn't want to go and told me her mom wasn't expecting her yet. So, instead of trying to entertain her, I put she and Molly in the van and drove them to some friends homes for some more trick or treating. Since curfew is 8 p.m. - at 8:02 I declared trick or treating done and dropped her off at her house! The favorite part of the evening is when they all come home, pour out their pillow cases, discover and sort all of their treats. They got some really good stuff this year! Out of 4 trick or treat bags only 1 of those molasses kisses that no one likes! There's a bit of trading that goes on, and lots of munching!

So, until next year - the costumes are put away and the candy's stashed in the appropriate places! It is so much fun watching everyone have FUN!!!!!!!!